Where The Real Power Resides

Robert Schultek
Author of
The Gauntlet

When it comes to strategy, those with authority and power are often different people. Leaders may develop and authorize strategy, but the real power to execute it resides with those they lead.

The real power is usually foundational, grounded in the company’s culture. Strategy is change; change is risky and the outcome is uncertain. Those charged with implementing strategy, and adapting it in reaction to circumstances, need to understand why the change is necessary, as well as the possibilities and challenges they face. Then they can assess what they’ve learned through the lens of their culture to

help determine the best way forward.

Leaders guide the development of culture, and are responsible for cultivating the people who operate within it. Because they rely on these people to bring strategy into reality, and appreciate the need for strategy to adapt as reality changes, leaders need a culture that enables:

Collaboration vs. competition…
Curiosity vs. compliance…
Innovation vs. replication…
Agility vs. precedent…
Inquiry vs. mandate…
Empathy vs. indifference…
Resilience vs. pessimism.

What attributes and values are the foundation of your company’s culture?

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