Business Success is Born of Freedom

Robert-photo-w-icon-150-4-7-10-FINAL4-150x150When we recently celebrated our national birthday, I happened to be in the UK. It was fascinating to celebrate our Independence Day with some family and friends who are citizens of Great Britain. The highlight for me was experiencing a reading of the Declaration of Independence as part of a 1776 reenactment in an American town receiving the momentous pronouncement of freedom.

The opportunity to again hear the famous words made me realize how much the act of binding ourselves to others in pursuit of a mutual cause is an expression of freedom. Learning to commit to one another is a mandatory ingredient of successful businesses.

Watching the attending British citizens listen and react to the words of independence, many hearing them for the first time, was remarkable – the words are as compelling as they were all those years ago. When the reading was concluded, a sense of joy lingered in our crowd as we all quietly reflected on the message’s profound and universal expression of freedom, human longing and commitment. Then there was applause after which the moment passed as we all went about our business. But for me and those I chatted with afterwards, the memory of our reaction lingered for a long while.

A group of individuals who commit themselves to a common purpose share a sense of fulfillment derived from their freedom to make that choice. Choosing to be yoked together, sharing the challenges and the rewards of achievement as a team without losing the visibility of distinctive individual contributions, produces a deep satisfaction that transcends the parochial concerns of the individuals. Committing to one another and to a mutual purpose unlocks reservoirs of energy and inspiration. Work becomes a source of pride and joy.

In today’s market, when everything is available on the internet and technology advantages are short-lived, imagine the uncommon power produced by your committed employees. They excel at creating value for customers, developing reliable suppliers, increasing community goodwill, achieving higher net margins than competitors, and delivering greater company performance overall. In addition to the satisfaction they earn, this elevated business performance has the potential to raise their professional growth opportunities, job security and income. Everyone wins.

Business success is born of freedom and the fulfillment that comes from being yoked together.

 What is your company’s shared purpose?

 How do you enable your personnel to bind themselves together to achieve it?

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