The Tale of Two Journeys

Bob Schultek Author of
The Gauntlet

Progress in business is enabled by many factors, but perhaps the most significant is the alignment of two journeys.

One trek is planned, the one that every business travels from milestone to milestone, towards a defined outcome, to generate profitability and business sustainability. The other is experience-based, the one that the company’s employees cover during their working life, moving from event to event, often in reaction to circumstances versus following a plan, as they pursue security, fulfillment, and satisfaction.

Leaders are engaged in both journeys, responsible for creating and preserving this alignment so that the objectives of each journey are achieved. It’s a challenge that is increasingly complex, requiring greater agility from leader and team, as priorities shift in response to incessant change and uncertainty.

To meet the challenge, leaders are seeking to boost their capacity to lead more strategically and holistically, relying on the company’s purpose and culture to serve as the common foundation for progressing on both journeys.

Two journeys, aligned by a shared purpose and culture that acts as a ‘North Star’ for the business, providing direction and intention as it navigates change, while deepening employee satisfaction by providing opportunities for people to do meaningful work that makes a difference for the business.

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