Self Interest to Shared Accountability

Before there can be accountability, there must be responsibility. The responsibility of committing to a decision, of taking ownership of a challenge, of striving to make a difference. It’s the opposite of compliance – of just doing the job, of not taking a risk, of doing what everyone else is doing. What matters is a person’s willingness to see what’s wrong or what could be better, and then striving to do something about it. It’s …

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The Quest for Transformation

The prime directive for leaders is to make things better – to improve results, strengthen culture, develop talent, nurture relationships. Some leaders see their mission as going beyond improvement, to leading a transformation of their operation or business. But transformation can result in a broad array of outcomes depending on multiple variables including the circumstances of the business, the impact of the culture, or the experience and vision of the leader. Some transformations are small …

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It’s Greek: from the verb poiew (to make, to fabricate). It is the root of our word “poetry” which for us is a noun but in its Greek root it is a verb. It is a conjunction point: work & thought; matter & time; begetting & bringing forth; it is a sense of movement. In the twentieth century in both philosophy and literature the sense of “Poeisis” defines a movement “from” something “to” something: examples …

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Positive Disintegration

Doing a fair amount of reading recently and came across this: A fundamental truth in professional therapies is “positive disintegration” stated by Polish psychologist Casmir Dobrowski. He posits that: “Most people grow as a result of falling apart.” In the Dialogue with another therapist it was suggested to Dobrowski that surely a person can grow through success. Dobrowski responded: “Theoretically, yes, we can grow through our successes, just as easily as we can through our …

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