With the year-end approaching, it’s a good time to assess your progress – personally and professionally.
Amidst continued uncertainty, it’s constructive to hit pause and reconnect with guiding values and beliefs, to count blessings, to reflect on what’s been achieved, and to appreciate those accomplishments which make you most proud.
Months or years from now, there will be new experiences and new skills, new friends, family and customers, new successes and challenges, new titles or responsibilities. And because of your progress, and all that is new, there will be things that you had to leave behind.
Taking that new job opportunity meant walking away from familiar circumstances and relationships.
Moving to a new home caused you to leave neighborhood friends and routine behind.
The arrival of a new child triggered changes to family habits and priorities.
Among the changes delivered by progress are the partings and the things we leave behind. There are the people and places that created memories, helped us live and learn, and impacted our lives, hopefully for the better.
What is new today will one day be a memory.
As you reflect on the year gone by, remember this simple truth. It will help you appreciate what has gone before so you can better plan for what’s ahead.
Wishing you all a blessed, joyful holiday season, and a healthy, happy and prosperous 2022.