How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Robert-photo-w-icon-150-4-7-10-FINAL4-150x150A recent blog addressed authenticity as the enabler of leadership. Several of you asked how to take the next step in leadership – how do you inspire action in your team?

Learning how to inspire is part of mastering leadership. Some leaders do it well while others can’t seem to make it happen.

The most inspirational leaders share a common process. They all ask “why” something should be done before they explain what must be done and how it should be done.

Why does our business exist?
Why are we doing what we do?
Why it that important?

People want to be inspired to act. They want to comprehend why their actions are meaningful, how they contribute to a larger purpose. Answering these questions unlocks reservoirs of energy & inspiration, so work becomes a source of satisfaction and joy.

One of the best descriptions about how the leadership inspiration process works can be found on a TED video by Simon Sinek. Check it out here.

How often do you start a new initiative by explaining why it is important?

 Why does your business exist?  How does it produce value for your customers?


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