Ideas Don’t Drive Change

Bob Schultek Author of The Gauntlet We are bombarded with new ideas from all directions. Some are fascinating enough to capture our attention, but usually, they don’t motivate us to change. Our customers share this experience. What does drive customers to consider change is when clearly proposed benefits generated by ideas, products and services go beyond fulfilling a need, to helping achieve a goal. Making the effort to discover why meeting a need is important, how …

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A Time for Why & How

Bob Schultek Author of  The Gauntlet It’s a new year, a fresh start. Amidst the resolutions and planning, it’s an ideal time to assess by asking a few basic ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions. Why were you able to accomplish what you did last year? What worked, and what didn’t? How can you be smarter? Smarter about process, about planning, about possible effects, about metrics, about leadership, about inspiring your people to invest in building the business? How will …

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Preparation and Success

Bob Schultek Author of The Gauntlet It’s the season of preparation…for the holidays, for the new business year, for your personal progression the coming year. If you’re a big fan of spontaneity, then preparation can be dull and tedious; but to be successful in whatever you do, it is an essential skill that generates quantifiable benefits. Would you attend a meeting unprepared? Or visit a customer?  Or approve an investment? Not if you want to succeed. For …

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Going First

Bob Schultek Author of The Gauntlet Credibility is the number one reason people choose to follow their leaders. That credibility is based on the leader’s behaviors, transparency and accountability. How they walk the talk, keep promises, lead from the front. To build a vibrant organizational culture, leaders must go first. They are the first to make sacrifices, the first to take risks, and the first to feel consequences. They are the first to model the company’s values, first …

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Why Leaders Won’t Coach

Bob Schultek Author of The Gauntlet    Leaders know that coaching their personnel produces a “markedly positive” impact on performance, culture and results. Yet coaching is one of the tools least used by leaders. Why? The common excuse is that there is no time for the slow, tedious work of teaching/mentoring employees when trying to succeed in our competitive, high pressure economy. Another explanation is that coaching can be complicated and involved, and there’s concern about failing at …

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Reward from Risk

Bob Schultek Author of The Gauntlet There can be no reward, no change initiative, no return on investment, no relationship, no success until someone first takes a risk.Life is uncertain; risk and reward is the natural order. Whether we succeed or fail, we learn by continuing to go forward. Shrinking from risk only creates a false sense of security. Manage risk assessment by considering: 1. What benefits will be missed if the decision is made not to proceed? 2. …

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High Tech High Touch

When I see three or four folks sitting around a table, each interacting more with a phone than with one another, I wonder why they have chosen to meet.  Why is being together not valued more highly?  Where’s the conversation, the laughter, the stories?  What’s the nature of their relationship? If there were no phones to distract them, how would they react? Experts have confirmed that our increasing dependence on technology creates a corresponding rise …

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How Does a Trust Relationship Begin?

For trust to begin growing, the right intent must be readily apparent. Sharing a valuable insight, without expecting to get anything in return, is a natural first step. When no insistent ulterior motive is involved, the kindness of the offer is appreciated. Making the offer implies sacrifice – it took an investment of time and resource to discover the valued information that is now shared, with no repayment expected in return. The wrong intent is sensed …

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3 Steps to a High Performing Culture

Culture is the glue that binds an organization together, and it’s the hardest thing for competitors to copy. Your story, your purpose and your values are what make your business distinctive. When culture is carved into a unique identity, with an uncommon brand promise and a clear set of behavioral expectations, your people learn how their contributions help the organization succeed. Culture is what enables your people to evolve as your most sustainable competitive advantage. Yet some companies continue to think that the aim of strengthening culture …

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Pursuing Mastery

Bob Schultek Author of  The Gauntlet Pursuing mastery in the workplace can take several forms. It can refer to an extraordinary competence, related to technical excellence or subject matter expertise. Under this perception, masters are those who have the highest level, a “state-of-the-art,” understanding and technique in a given discipline. There is a compulsory set of specific skills to be learned and applied. But for leaders, encouraging their personnel to pursue the mastery of a function or …

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