Taking Ownership

Bob Schultek
Author of
The Gauntlet

For customers, it’s the first person they contact who creates that critical first impression of your business. If that person listens more than talks, probes to learn more about what the customer needs,and takes ownership for resolving that need, then it is likely that the customer will welcome the opportunity to build a trust relationship with your company.

Recognizing that trust can only take root once your promise to the customer is realized, taking ownership conveys a commitment to ensure that your promised value is delivered. It reflects an accountability of shared ownership between your ‘promise makers’ and ‘promise keepers’ that pledges your entire company to deliver that promised value. And by consistently doing so, a customer’s short-term pain is resolved in a manner that accelerates long-term progress, building an enduring relationship.

If your strategy hinges on relationship building and increasing transactions with established customers, versus growing from individual, stand-alone transactions, then taking ownership at first contact and fulfilling your promise will create value for your customer, and for your business.

How consistently does your business take ownership?

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