That First Prospect Meeting

When first meeting a prospective customer, the objective is to establish rapport, a personal connection, something you have in common, that can be the kindling for igniting a new relationship. The connection might emerge from the circumstances that caused you to meet, or from a shared experience, or from something you notice about the person. It’s what launches a conversation thatreveals your common experiences and values to one another, the human touch that enables trust …

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3 Ways to Build Trusting Relationships in the Virtual Work Environment

One of the leadership challenges that our Covid experience is leaving in its wake is how best to preserve culture. What’s the most productive balance between in-person and virtual time together to ensure that the community which lives the culture and built the business continues to deliver progress and success? Trusting relationships are the foundation of culture, so preserving trust is vital to sustaining culture. Trust has two dimensions – one is logic and the other is …

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The Priority of Engagement

Leadership is the practice of influence. Inspiring people to follow your lead requires a commitment to personal engagement – an investment of precious time to be prioritized versus other stakeholder demands for your attention. Where does personal engagement fit into your priorities? People choose to follow you because they believe in you and where you are leading them. When they stop trusting you, your ability to continue as leader is over. This is why engaging …

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