Assessing Candidate Attitude

Our search for predictability is ever challenged by the incessant disruption of change. When trying to attract and hire talented people, this is a critical consideration. Job postings cite requirements and experience levels, but most often, the actual performance differentiator for new hires is not what they do, but rather how they do it – their attitude, and how well aligned it is with the culture of your business. This is not news; those who …

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Your Attitude, Your Choice 

It may seem that your attitude, the way you feel, depends on how things are going for you. But in reality, how you choose to feel affects the way things are going. Your attitude reflects your most heartfelt expectations. Every day, you make the vital choice about your attitude. This choice is significant because it impacts every part of your life – your thoughts, words and actions are all driven by how you choose to …

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Your Life – Your Choice

Bob Schultek 216-272-4449    Life does not arbitrarily impose itself on you. Rather, you choose how you feel about the circumstances in your life and work. You’re making this choice every day, multiple times a day. Will you choose to be optimistic, to engage with or to encourage others? Will you choose to be curious, to inquire, or to challenge the status quo? Will you strive to make a difference? It may seem that …

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