Energy of the People

Bob Schultek Author of The Gauntlet

It’s during the challenging moments that your people make the biggest difference.

Each person in your organization is a source of energy, with a unique set of gifts to contribute, and the potential to leverage these together with their distinctive insight and experience, to convert products and services into strategic value for your customers. This energy is focused like a laser when employees share commitment to a common purpose and culture.

And unlike other forms of energy, the energy your people invest is infinitely renewable. Over time, individuals have consistently demonstrated that their capacity to contribute energy does not fully deplete and can quickly be recharged. In fact, when properly nurtured, a person’s ability to contribute energy can actually expand, increasing their capacity by drawing on a nearly inexhaustible reserve of potential energy and creativity.

As their leader, you create the conditions necessary for your employees to access their deep well of energy. By providing opportunities to contribute beyond their functional duties, to learn and master new skills, to work together again as a community, you enable your people to expand their knowledge and competency so they may access and invest energy that strengthens your culture and contributes to the success of your business.

People as an energy source are infinitely expandable. More than ever before, your people make the difference and are your most sustainable competitive advantage.

How can you best leverage and grow the energy of your people?

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