Latin this time not Greek; from the ancient writer Lucretius (“De Rerum Natura”; “On the Nature of Things)
His book was lost to us for a thousand years and then suddenly rediscovered by Poggio Bracciolini in 1417 in the library of a dusty German Monastery.
Lucretius used the word “climanem” to describe a “swerve” an inclination, a bias, a movement that originates at the atomic level (Lucretius translating and expanding the thought of Epicurus) but impacts all areas of life; psychology, physics, biology, chemistry,
For our purposes, we simply reflect on the “swerve” within and what happens to us as we mature. We grow more connected to an inner “call” (“vox”) and must heed the call to “swerve” into new directions and transformations.
“Swerve” and “call” and “response” are fundamental to spiritual movement and formation.
PointeVierge (“The Virgin Pointe”) is located in the “movements” of individuals and leadership and groups/congregations. We focus on:
- Individual direction and transformation
- Leadership direction and transformation
- Congregational direction and transformation
Vic Pergola 216-308-1648