Breaking Things Makes You Stronger

Robert-photo-w-icon-150-4-7-10-FINAL4-150x150Leaders are hired to break things. To generate, and sustain, improved results, they push past the status quo, making a purposeful choice for productive change.

And because our economy is so dynamic, breaking things must become perpetual. Managing the risk associated with continuous adaptation, and using energy to defeat fear, is a key characteristic of leadership in this era.

A more robust and sustainable business is derived from these benefits of change:

Deciding to change reaffirms control. The fear of losing control constrains change initiatives. Sometimes a crisis is necessary to overcome that fear.  Every day we’re reminded that few things remain the same over time, so deciding from the start to embrace change reaffirms control. Choosing to adapt encourages movement, towards all that is possible because of that decision. That movement may even avoid a pending crisis.

Choosing to change increases versatility. Resisting change only elevates the stress felt each time we’re confronted with the need to adapt. So much energy is invested in resistance that we’re blinded to opportunities that can only occur through evolution. Choosing change increases versatility, a valuable asset in times of perpetual motion, enabling a commitment to the pursuit of new prospects.

Embracing change expands knowledge. If nothing ever challenged us to change, then how would we ever learn and progress? Each time we choose to adapt, we elevate awareness, increase competency and expand knowledge.

How has change produced benefits for your organization?

How does the pursuit of improvement create constructive energy for your business?





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