The Price of “Free”

Offering something for free to capture attention remains an effective technique – everyone can be seduced by a zero price. But are you attracting the right prospects? Could they become customers who actually invest in your product or service? What is the true price of “free?” Offering something for free often attracts the wrong type of prospect. Something in your message appeals to these folks and they react to the word “free” but they rarely …

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“Quaestio mihi factus sum” Yup, it’s Latin. . .from Augustine some 1600 years ago. Typically translated as follows: “I have made a question of myself” or “I have become a question to myself” Or let’s be more colloquial in translating: “I have become a puzzlement to myself” or “I puzzle me” How interesting that a statement so ancient sounds so modern and psychologically contemporary. It’s the statement one hears very often in coaching others; be …

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Why Should Customers Trust You?

Some companies profess allegiance to their core values while behaving in utter disregard of them. Customers observing this disingenuous behavior doubt the sincerity of that organization’s commitment. Why should customers trust you? Our daily existence in this world depends on our ability to interpret the signals delivered to our brains by our senses. We receive all of our information in this way. These signals are received as sensations, feelings. “We are feeling beings that think …

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Building on Success

[separator top=”40″] Earning your customer’s commitment requires many steps, and Grolistic has teamed up with SalesFitness™ to create 6 video resources highlighting successful techniques that produce thriving customer relationships. Your proposed solution often requires the successful completion of many intermediate steps that may affect multiple shareholders within the customer’s organization. The following video provides guidance to earn the customer’s commitment to your proposal by summarizing points of agreement, presenting options and winning when the customer wins to establish the …

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Multiple Options

[separator top=”40″] Earning your customer’s commitment requires many steps, and Grolistic has teamed up with SalesFitness™ to create 6 video resources highlighting successful techniques that produce thriving customer relationships. Your proposed solution often requires the successful completion of many intermediate steps that may affect multiple shareholders within the customer’s organization. The following video provides guidance on a productive means to earn the customer’s commitment to your proposal by summarizing points of agreement, presenting options and winning when the customer …

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Points of Agreement

[separator top=”40″]   Earning your customer’s commitment requires many steps, and Grolistic has teamed up with SalesFitness™to create 6 video resources highlighting successful techniques that produce thriving customer relationships. Your proposed solution often requires the successful completion of many intermediate steps that may affect multiple shareholders within the customer’s organization.  The following video provides guidance on how to earn the customer’s commitment to your proposal by summarizing points of agreement, presenting options and winning when the customer wins …

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Decision Dynamics

[separator top=”40″] Earning your customer’s commitment requires many steps, and Grolistic has teamed up with SalesFitness™ to create 6 video resources highlighting successful techniques that produce thriving customer relationships. Your proposed solution often requires the successful completion of many intermediate steps that may affect multiple shareholders within the customer’s organization.  The following video provides guidance on a means to earn the customer’s commitment to your proposal by summarizing points of agreement, presenting options and winning when the customer wins …

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Goal Alignment

[separator top=”40″] Earning your customer’s commitment requires many steps, and Grolistic has teamed up with SalesFitness™ to create 6 video resources highlighting successful techniques that produce thriving customer relationships. This video, Goal Alignment, covers the issues of: Learning the concept of producing Strategic Value for the customer; Aligning your proposal to ensure that the value produced addresses the goals and needs of those key stakeholders to deliver a win/win result. SalesFitness™ exploits mobile technology and the best of online learning principles …

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“A Customer Is Never Out of Warranty”

Many companies invest heavily to measure their investment in customer support. They track the cost per hour or other metrics to monitor their investment in the support function when, in fact, their business would gain more insight by measuring customer retention. Customer support is not a cost center, it’s a profit center. The title of this blog comes from a Seth Godin blog posting that highlights the increasing value of preserving customer relationships. On the …

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Three Ways to Ensure You Get Paid

An order is no good unless you are paid for it. Sales folks are often compensated for the orders they book. This makes sense – without orders, there is no business. But getting the order is only part one of the transaction. Getting paid creates the profit to compensate the salesperson, and everyone else. Proficient salespeople realize that they share responsibility for ensuring that their company gets paid for every order they book. Follow these …

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