It’s Greek: from the verb poiew (to make, to fabricate). It is the root of our word “poetry” which for us is a noun but in its Greek root it is a verb. It is a conjunction point: work & thought; matter & time; begetting & bringing forth; it is a sense of movement. In the twentieth century in both philosophy and literature the sense of “Poeisis” defines a movement “from” something “to” something: examples …

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Latin this time not Greek; from the ancient writer Lucretius (“De Rerum Natura”; “On the Nature of Things) His book was lost to us for a thousand years and then suddenly rediscovered by Poggio Bracciolini in 1417 in the library of a dusty German Monastery. Lucretius used the word “climanem” to describe a “swerve” an inclination, a bias, a movement that originates at the atomic level (Lucretius translating and expanding the thought of Epicurus) but impacts all areas …

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Business Success is Born of Freedom

When we recently celebrated our national birthday, I happened to be in the UK. It was fascinating to celebrate our Independence Day with some family and friends who are citizens of Great Britain. The highlight for me was experiencing a reading of the Declaration of Independence as part of a 1776 reenactment in an American town receiving the momentous pronouncement of freedom. The opportunity to again hear the famous words made me realize how much the act of binding …

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Does Social Media Create Relationships?

Does your investment in social media help you keep customers and find new ones? Do your social media initiatives drive customer loyalty and acquisition? A 2011 Gallup research study of more than 17,000 social media users discovered that company or brand sponsored social media initiatives “have very little impact on B-to-B customer decision making. Nor do they drive prospective customers to consider trying a brand or recommending a brand to others in their social network.” Most …

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The 3 “Cs” of Enduring Companies

Companies that endure consistently demonstrate 3 behaviors. How does your organization compare? Enduring companies are particularly effective at: 1. Connecting: They understand their purpose or mission, and realize the value of collaborating with all stakeholders in their business – employees, customers, suppliers, etc. – to fulfill it. They are engaged in the long term success of their business and build relationships rather than processing transactions. 2. Committing: They focus on the future even as they …

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Just completed the new book by James Hollis (“Hauntings”) a Jungian therapist, professor, author and extremely helpful to all of us in the consulting/counseling professions.  He speaks of “hauntings.” For example: “The greatest haunting we all suffer is the lost relationship to the soul” (140) “Becoming a person is actually a very difficult project” (140) There is within us a “vox” (an inner call to vocation) and also “vocatus” (that which the outer world is …

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3 Keys to Successful Proposal Presentations

Tim was frustrated that his proposals were not being given fair consideration. “They just skip to the last page to check the price,” he complained. “What should I do differently?” Why does one proposal presentation earn customer commitment while another does not? Presenting a proposal is serious business. You typically get one shot to capture your customer’s attention and earn their agreement. 1. As Covey would say, begin with the end in mind. When customers recognize …

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What Issue Most Consumes Executives?

Business leaders for small and mid-size companies are always thinking about how to increase sales, improve profitability, boost productivity and better manage cash flow. But of all these challenges, which one consumes most of their time? Our work with owners and executives typically begins with an assessment of the current business circumstances. We learn about goals and strategies, what’s working and what’s not – but before long the focus of this dialogue becomes the people …

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3 Motivators That Drive Decision Making

Recognizing the motivating factors that will influence the customer’s decision helps you determine their decision-making process and who will make the decision. The dynamics of your customer’s decision-making process involves several factors. Have you been discussing their needs and challenges with just one person or several? If you have been working with a customer’s team, who has been driving the discussion? To whom does the team defer? How well do the folks around the table get along? The decision-maker …

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Philip of Macedon introduced it and his son, Alexander the Great used it most effectively; a very long spear or pike  (typically 8-16 feet) which provided the phalanx with the opportunity to strike at some distance prior to being “hands on.” With the arrow it became short range strategic artillery and always in tight formation, the “cluster” effect. Between the  “onrush” of cavalry (Alexander rode Bucephalus) and the “clustering” of compact strategic groups, it became …

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