The Price of “Free”

Have you ever been seduced by a zero price offer? Did it cause you to think about the real value of what was being offered for free, or did you just react to the word “free”? Have you considered using the “free” offer tactic to attract new customers? Would doing so entice the right customers – those who might actually invest in your product or service? Most people find “free” offers to be compelling. They …

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Leadership is All About Moments

Every day, there are moments when you can choose to lead. Most of the time, leadership is more about these moments than it is about accomplishing grand initiatives. Making a difference is all about these moments. When I accepted my first management role, my superior and mentor guided me to the realization that most of my time would now be spent working with people rather than with things. He wanted me to appreciate that success, …

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What Does Your Customer Value?

The probability that you will earn a customer’s business increases significantly when you’ve discovered why their stated need is important to them. Does your proposal resolve a problem that helps the customer grow sales or reduce cost? These two alternative goals are really the fundamental choices faced by every business. Whether you provide a product or a service, its value to your customer depends on their goals, and their strategies to achieve them. So what …

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You Can Do Everything Right as a Leader and Still Fail!

If you’re an experienced leader, then you’re already aware of this reality. You’ve learned how it feels to be squeezed between grand expectations and constraints you cannot overcome.  Sometimes, despite your best intentions and efforts, you don’t succeed. But failure is a better teacher than success, and when you stumble as a leader, there’s one most important lesson to recall. Negative experiences are humbling. Failure resets your attitude, opening your mind to change and to …

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Customers Don’t Care About Your Product or Service

Customers care only about the value you offer them. They ask about your products or services because it’s easier for them to evaluate your offering versus others in terms of features, functions and price. But what they’re really assessing is the value your offering could produce for them. How easy you make it for them to discover this value determines your success in earning their business. Before responding in detail to product and service inquiries, …

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New Year, Fresh Start – A Time To Ask Why

Each new year is a gift – another opportunity to begin anew. It’s a fresh start, and a time to ask why? Make the most of this new beginning. Answering these three questions can get your new year off to a productive start:  Why were you able to accomplish what you did last year? What was achieved? What worked well? Does your team know how they contributed? Did you take time to celebrate success? Why does …

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New Years Come & New Years Go

A new year approaches, a chance to start anew To overcome barriers, and achieve a breakthrough. To develop new plans, and consider new dreams A fresh start to ponder, new goals to achieve. Invest more energy with your people this year There’s much to learn from what you’ll hear. Your advantage they are, there’s more you can gain With less focus on “things,” rewards to be sustained. New years come and new years go But …

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Leaders Make The Difference

As their leader, your people are always watching you – and you are impacting how they perform.  Leaders make the difference. When you’re the leader, to your direct reports, you’re the most important person in the organization. You influence their willingness to stay or their urge to leave. You shape their career trajectory, their behaviors, their motivation to do their best work, their connection to your company’s purpose, and their commitment to exceeding your customers’ …

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3 Steps to Capitalize on Growth Opportunities

New growth opportunities rarely pronounce themselves. Most organizations have their heads down, focused on increasing sales of current products or services. You probably recall a time when you failed to act quickly enough to take advantage of an opportunity. Promptly evaluating and responding to new opportunities is a key growth driver. Here are 3 steps to help ensure that you don’t miss a discovery or fail to develop a novel concept that can fuel your …

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3 Revelations of Optimistic Leadership

Counting our blessings during Thanksgiving often generates optimism and energy.  Optimism, as it turns out, makes a difference in business metrics like productivity, customer satisfaction and profit. Why? Because optimistic people expect to succeed. When they encounter obstacles, they try harder – instead of giving up, they find ways to overcome the barriers and reach their objective. Leaders who are optimistic raise the aspirations of their people to see what’s possible and to achieve their …

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