Points of Agreement

[separator top=”40″]   Earning your customer’s commitment requires many steps, and Grolistic has teamed up with SalesFitness™to create 6 video resources highlighting successful techniques that produce thriving customer relationships. Your proposed solution often requires the successful completion of many intermediate steps that may affect multiple shareholders within the customer’s organization.  The following video provides guidance on how to earn the customer’s commitment to your proposal by summarizing points of agreement, presenting options and winning when the customer wins …

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Decision Dynamics

[separator top=”40″] Earning your customer’s commitment requires many steps, and Grolistic has teamed up with SalesFitness™ to create 6 video resources highlighting successful techniques that produce thriving customer relationships. Your proposed solution often requires the successful completion of many intermediate steps that may affect multiple shareholders within the customer’s organization.  The following video provides guidance on a means to earn the customer’s commitment to your proposal by summarizing points of agreement, presenting options and winning when the customer wins …

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Goal Alignment

[separator top=”40″] Earning your customer’s commitment requires many steps, and Grolistic has teamed up with SalesFitness™ to create 6 video resources highlighting successful techniques that produce thriving customer relationships. This video, Goal Alignment, covers the issues of: Learning the concept of producing Strategic Value for the customer; Aligning your proposal to ensure that the value produced addresses the goals and needs of those key stakeholders to deliver a win/win result. SalesFitness™ exploits mobile technology and the best of online learning principles …

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“A Customer Is Never Out of Warranty”

Many companies invest heavily to measure their investment in customer support. They track the cost per hour or other metrics to monitor their investment in the support function when, in fact, their business would gain more insight by measuring customer retention. Customer support is not a cost center, it’s a profit center. The title of this blog comes from a Seth Godin blog posting that highlights the increasing value of preserving customer relationships. On the …

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Three Ways to Ensure You Get Paid

An order is no good unless you are paid for it. Sales folks are often compensated for the orders they book. This makes sense – without orders, there is no business. But getting the order is only part one of the transaction. Getting paid creates the profit to compensate the salesperson, and everyone else. Proficient salespeople realize that they share responsibility for ensuring that their company gets paid for every order they book. Follow these …

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How Do You Convince Customers To Give You The Order?

Earning your customer’s commitment requires many steps, and Grolistic has teamed up with SalesFitness™ to create 6 video resources highlighting successful techniques that produce thriving customer relationships. This video, Stakeholders, covers the issues of: Identifying key influencers (stakeholders) in the customer’s decision making process Learning how to address the stakeholders goals & needs to gain their commitment SalesFitness™ exploits mobile technology and the best of online learning principles to improve sales performance by disrupting and revolutionizing the sales training paradigm. At …

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Is Keeping Your Promise Obsolete?

David and I were working to strengthen his company’s unique offering, the distinctive value proposition his company “owns” in the marketplace, when I asked: “When you propose a solution, you are making a promise to your customer. Do you understand the emotional bond created when you call it a promise?” “A promise?” he replied. “That’s a really jaded word these days. It sounds outdated or obsolete. Does anyone actually believe in promises much less use the word? “Promise” …

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Trade Value for Price Reductions

When you hear “I can purchase this elsewhere at a lower price,” remember that your quoted price is linked to the total value you are promising to produce…and evaluating value goes both ways. It’s just a trade…the customer is trading you price for the value to be delivered. Focus on defining value. Buyers might think of value as how much you are willing to discount while you see value as the additional benefits you will …

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Is ‘Busyness’ Your Excuse?

There are only a finite number of productive hours in your day. Every leader is busy and often it feels like there isn’t enough time to accomplish everything you planned. Is ‘busyness’ your excuse for not investing enough time to build your business? Is it sabotaging your growth? How many of your hours are wasted on simple, routine activities that rob you of valuable time and distract you from your planned productive day? You shift …

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3 Decisive Customer Touch Points

There are 3 decisive touch points with each customer that determine if you will earn trust and future preference.  Doing more than expected during these 3 key moments changes everything about how your customer feels about you. In truth, how your customer feels is more influential than the facts you present. We may think of ourselves as thinking creatures that feel, but biologically we are feeling creatures that think. (Jill Bolte Taylor: My Stroke of …

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