In the classic story, “The Wizard of Oz,” the four key players are each searching for something they lack. When challenged by the Wizard to steal the Witch’s broomstick, Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Lion and the Tinman begin a quest during which each discovers that hidden within them is what they seek. By sharing the journey, they help each other realize this insight.
All journeys can be transformational, from those that traverse space to others that navigate through ideas. Sharing a mission with others is a bonding and learning experience, enabling the participants to recognize their individual strengths and vulnerabilities, and to appreciate the power of collaboration to accelerate personal development and team progress. If people commit to a shared journey, they emerge from it with a greater sense of purpose, mastery and ownership, realizing the potential that lies within them.
This is why journeys matter, and why leaders driving change inspire their teams to embark on them in pursuit of innovation and improvement. Results produced from these initiatives benefit the organization, the leader, and the participants. The organization’s competitive advantage is strengthened, the leader’s credibility is validated, and the participants discover how they make a difference.
How do you inspire your team to engage in a shared journey?
How do you remain engaged during the journey to guide,
support and encourage?