Is it authenticity? Is it integrity? Is it vision?
How about competency? Or, perhaps it’s inspiration?
Why does it matter?
From numerous studies, conducted over thirty-plus years, we know that this list of qualities – authenticity, integrity, etc. – defines what people want from their leaders. Believing that their leaders will act in accordance with these values is another matter.
When assessing believability, leaders who more consistently demonstrate these values are judged to be more credible. And more than anything else, people want to follow those they believe are credible; they want to believe in their leaders. So, credibility is the foundation of leadership. And all of the desired leadership values are the ingredients that create credibility.
For people to follow willingly, and to commit to achieving your company’s goals, they must believe in you. Kouzes and Posner specify credibility as their first law of leadership: “If you don’t believe in the messenger, you won’t believe the message.”
People want to be confident that their leaders have the expertise and skills to lead, and that they know where they’re going. But above all else, people want to know that their leader’s words can be trusted.
When Kouzes and Posner asked how these folks judged their leader’s credibility, responses like these were shared:
- “They walk the talk.”
- “They keep their promises.”
- “Their actions match their words.”
People first listen to the words of their leaders, and then monitor their actions. When the actions match the words, the leader is judged as credible and people will choose to follow. “Saying” and “doing” are the two aligned parameters of credibility.
Leaders reveal credibility and build trust by consistently modelling the behaviors that define their values. This is what gives leaders the moral authority to lead.
How often do you do what you say you will do?
When was the last time you asked how you could do better?