For some, considering a new idea or approach, a change from the current method, represents an opportunity to improve the existing. For others, it represents a threat – what if things go wrong?
Conflicting perspectives, driven by people in an organization, with different experiences, who see the world differently. They are the opposing sides of a proposed change, the two driving visions of change.
The supporters of change seek to challenge the current line and accelerate progress. Change offers the chance to improve, to learn, to grow. They insist on investing in the better tool or technology that helps them move faster, even if it costs more than what was previously purchased. In their minds, moving faster protects them from competitive threats and enables growth. They are future-focused and all about pursuing opportunity. They drive by looking forward through the windshield.
The detractors on the other side seek to defend the status quo. They want to avoid the possible failure, disappointment, wasted effort and negative attention that could occur by pursuing change. There’s no need to spend more money for a better tool when what they’ve been using works well; instead, they prefer to change suppliers to get their current tool for less money. They believe that better insurance or a more reliable auditor protects their business. They are current-focused and all about relieving existing pain. They drive by looking at the rear view mirror to see where they’ve been.
There’s no hiding from change. The only decision is how you want to drive through it.
How do you drive change in your organization?
What metrics help you decide to support the change agents or the critics?