“The Return of the Prodigal Son”
Mini-course on Henri Nouwen’s book,
The Return of the Prodigal Son,
a meditation on Rembrandt’s painting
Need: 6 volunteers (first-come, first-serve)
Strong commitment to complete series
When: Four consecutive Thursdays
June 6, 13, 20 and 27
6-8 pm
Content: “The Return of the Prodigal Son”
- We will read the parable in Luke aloud prior to each session
- We will write quietly in a journaling exercise
- We will discuss the assigned topic per class
- We will generate summary conclusions on the material
- We will generate a threefold comparison: The Painting by Rembrandt:The Book by Nouwen:The Parable by Luke
What to Bring:
- A notebook (electronic or pen and pad)
- A New Testament
- Henri Nouwen’s Book will be provided for each participant
- A large poster of the painting will be available for review
- Your reflections will be written up for a class paper due in July
- We are interested in your understanding and critique of the methodology
- We are looking for your thoughts on any positive growth you may have experienced
- What is your thought on the subject matter?
- What subject matter (spiritual) are you interested in for the future?
Who: Vic Pergola, Founder and Managing Principal, PointeVierge
Where & When:
North Ridge Annex, Suite A
Rocky River, Ohio 44116