Technology vs. Accountability

Increasingly, we rely on technology in our lives. We need it to compete. We need it to optimize the use of our time. Some have become addicted to it, disabling their human interactions. But despite our best efforts, technology cannot replace personal accountability. Humans are clever. We’re always looking for the next tool to simplify our lives. Some hope that technology will solve all their problems. We await the new pill that allows us to …

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Philip of Macedon introduced it and his son, Alexander the Great used it most effectively; a very long spear or pike  (typically 8-16 feet) which provided the phalanx with the opportunity to strike at some distance prior to being “hands on.” With the arrow it became short range strategic artillery and always in tight formation, the “cluster” effect. Between the  “onrush” of cavalry (Alexander rode Bucephalus) and the “clustering” of compact strategic groups, it became …

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