Proposing Investments, not Transactions

How you respond to a prospect’s inquiry determines their first impression about your company and how you do business. It’s your initial, perhaps only, opportunity to differentiate yourself in their eyes.  Reacting with urgency is essential, but promptly proposing a product or service to address their immediate pain, without first seeking to learn why resolving the problem is important, wastes an opportunity to reveal your organization’s experience and competency, and your genuine interest in their success. Your proposal will …

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How Customers Assess Value

Bob Schultek Author of The Gauntlet Whether you provide a product or a service, its value to your customers depends on their goals. Your success in earning their business depends on your ability to discover what your customer values and why. If the customer’s business is mature, then proposing solutions that reduce cost typically capture attention.  Cost reduction targets are easily identified and validated; they directly impact net profit. And, unfortunately, they make it easier …

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“Your Price is What?!”

Every salesperson has that moment when they must pitch their price. The major obstacle they face is their fear of rejection, and its consequences. But when it’s done right, both the customer and the salesperson can feel a sense of satisfaction. To earn your price, and leave the customer feeling satisfied with that decision, preparation is the key. Both parties must win for each to feel satisfied with a deal. When you’ve earned the business …

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3 Keys to Successful Proposal Presentations

Tim was frustrated that his proposals were not being given fair consideration. “They just skip to the last page to check the price,” he complained. “What should I do differently?” Why does one proposal presentation earn customer commitment while another does not? Presenting a proposal is serious business. You typically get one shot to capture your customer’s attention and earn their agreement. 1. As Covey would say, begin with the end in mind. When customers recognize …

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Defeat The Flawed Proposal Excuse

Andrew had just received feedback on his proposal from a new prospect when I arrived. He had followed their instructions when submitting his proposal via their Excel spreadsheet, including the requirement to offer one specific price proposal. So he was surprised to learn that his proposal was considered to be too narrow and inflexible. Andrew’s prospect uses an Excel spreadsheet proposal process to make it faster and easier for them to compare the submitted proposals. …

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