5 Questions – How Leadership Drives Growth

Over a five-year period, the financial performance of organizations whose senior leaders were highly engaged with their personnel was significantly stronger than those companies who followed a different model. Net income growth was almost 18 times higher, and stock price was nearly 3 times higher. While their high level of engagement isn’t the only reason for this exceptional performance, it is clear that leadership behaviors focused on key engagement practices consistently deliver better results. Here …

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What Issue Most Consumes Executives?

Business leaders for small and mid-size companies are always thinking about how to increase sales, improve profitability, boost productivity and better manage cash flow. But of all these challenges, which one consumes most of their time? Our work with owners and executives typically begins with an assessment of the current business circumstances. We learn about goals and strategies, what’s working and what’s not – but before long the focus of this dialogue becomes the people …

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Purpose Drives Profit

Bad things happen when profit is separated from Purpose. The negative consequences include poor quality, myopic focus and short-term thinking that can  be destructive. Over time, organizations become consumed with surviving and reacting to the marketplace. Purpose can be forgotten, beyond the need to make money. Yet evidence is growing, particularly on Wall Street, that an organization’s commitment to fulfilling its Purpose achieves goals and elevates performance. “A great strategy without a compelling purpose is like …

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Ignorance Is No Excuse

Bill can’t understand why his people are discouraged and frustrated. After a couple of slow years, the company is busy again so there’s plenty of work. No fairness or compensation issues have been raised. He is keeping everyone aware of their progress and communicating his expectation that goals must be achieved to accelerate their progress. So why do many in the company seem so negative? Peter Drucker and other gurus have been credited with saying: …

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