Do Your Customers Prefer You?

Defeating Commoditization Tom was concerned that his business was becoming increasingly commoditized. More and more often, his customers were specifying what they wanted, as if they were reading from a product bulletin. Tom’s sales team was generating quotes in response to these requests. There was little dialogue with the customer beyond responding with price and delivery, or reacting to some competitor’s quote. I asked Tom: “What makes your business unique…what offering do you own?  Why …

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Correct Your Fuzzy Focus

Carve Out Time to Concentrate on Performance The forces of distraction keep growing stronger and each is competing for your attention.  Do you find it increasingly difficult to pull away and focus on the needs of your business? Phone calls, emails, text messages and browsing for the answer you must have right now keeps you rooted in the here and now.  Our technology makes it easy to react to these forces, so our ability to …

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Is Your Order Conversion Ratio Too Low?

“Where Are The Orders?” “Why aren’t we converting more of our quotes?  Our biggest investment last year is failing…I’m concerned.”Last year, Sam’s company launched a new product that they were convinced was a winner.  But after six months of losing more orders than they were winning, Sam’s frustration is peaked and his team is discouraged. The new product was developed with customer input and has the potential to produce unique benefits for their customers.  But …

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New Year – Fresh Start

Assess These Three Points The best thing about each new year is that we get another opportunity to begin anew. We get a fresh start, and expectations are high. How can you make the best of this new beginning? Consider these three points: 1. Assess direction: Revisit your vision/mission statement(s) – is your chosen direction still valid? On what will you focus in 2013 – what key 3 goals do you want to achieve this …

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My Favorite Resolutions For 2013

Shared Resolutions It’s that time of year when we reflect on the past and envision the future. Here are my favorite business resolutions for 2013, shared to inspire you to create your own resolutions for the New Year.“Start every day with strategic clarity by spending 10 minutes reviewing what one-to-five things you want to achieve this year, what your strategic priorities are for achieving them, and (most importantly) what businesses, activities and opportunities you have …

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What Are Your Priorities?

Seeking More High Touch To Balance Our High Tech Last week at this time, we were first learning about the heartbreaking violence committed against innocent children and their teachers. This horrific news follows other terrible stories of carnage that have occurred during the past several weeks. What a season of joy and peace it has been! In last week’s blog, we explored the issue of balancing our business responsibilities with our personal core values. This …

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It’s Lonely At The Top!

Balancing Business Needs with Personal Values After completing our business development strategy meeting with his team, the CEO grabbed me and said, “Let’s get a coffee.”  As we settled into his office, he mentioned that the year had been a good one, albeit very challenging, and he was ready for a break. “There’s still so much uncertainty out there – the competition, tax law, new regulations – we can’t get a break and I’m tired.  …

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Where Is Your Growth Stuck?

Making Time to Set Direction “I’m so busy running the business that I don’t have time to think longer term.”So began a recent client meeting.  It’s been an exceptionally challenging time to run a business.  The day-to-day struggles are all-consuming; to survive, you keep your head down and focus on achieving essential short term results. But as a leader, you are also responsible for ensuring the long term sustainability of your business.  In every company, …

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The Most Important Principle Revealed

Your Brand Is Your Promise My father grew up in Minnesota during the Great Depression.  His father and mother had farmed in Montana, persevering through locusts, droughts and troubles with local Native Americans; they went bankrupt twice. Finally, with a wife and now five children to feed, my grandfather relocated to the iron range in northern Minnesota where he could earn a living cleaning out railroad locomotive boilers. In Minnesota, Dad’s family built their house, …

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The Treasure Of Thankfulness

Take Time To Count Your Blessings What an inspiration it was to dedicate a whole day to thankfulness. As the world spins ever faster, on this one day, we stop to count our blessings.I’m thankful for my family and friends Who give meaning to my life. I’m thankful for you who entrust your business to me. Working with you brings joy and fulfillment with profound respect for your success. I’m thankful for this exceptional country …

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