A Reflection on Beta

Bucephalus–Unstoppable! It’s horse season. At the movies we have “War Horse,” at the track we have the thrilling finish to the Belmont, in this  season we have the disappointment of injury and no subsequent Triple Crown run. Bucephalus is the ancient horse of glory, strength, and honor. He is Alexander’s horse, riding into every battle with him,  and dying at 30 in the battle of Hydaspes.  As with Secretariat, Seabiscuit, and Triple Crown winners, Bucephalus …

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A Reflection on Alpha Themes

We live in interesting times and our lives & careers are often dominated by anxiety, ambiguity, and ambivalence.  Anxiety: This is life’s great stopper overflowing into business; simply look at the market fluctuations, the international debt crises, the continual worry over hiring and expanding, the risks, the need for an economic safe harbor. We have pills for it, we work it out at the gym, and we look over our shoulders; who or what is …

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Collaborate or Be Commoditized!

Welcome! Each week, I post new blog content featuring exercises that stimulate reflection about your growth performance and challenge you to create action in the coming week. During the past few years, you’ve cut costs and made your operations leaner.  You’ve pocketed the one-time marginal profit increase.  What’s next?  The challenge of achieving sustained profitability through top-line growth, and this must be earned! In our world of increasing commoditization, strengthening your differentiation is vital.  Materials …

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Getting Paid

Sales folks are most often compensated for the orders they book. This makes sense – without orders, there is no business. But getting the order is only part of what makes your business successful. Getting paid for the order is what defines a profitable contract. Positive cash flow is compulsory for every business. Proficient salespeople realize that they share responsibility for ensuring that their company gets paid for every order they book. Make your payment …

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