Problems and Opportunities

There are always problems – a parade of challenges that command your attention. Systems are down, people or organizations are working against you, or there’s a compelling difficulty that needs resolution. There are always opportunities – innovative ideas or new relationships waiting to be embraced. These are chances to create value, to share or give, to move faster, or to make something better. And there are always limits – limited time, energy, money and other …

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No One Wants To Be Hustled

First impressions still matter. These days, the chance to make a positive first impression is more likely to occur via a virtual connection than by a masked conversation in an elevator. But the necessity of building rapport and trust during these early moments of connection remains essential for development of a productive business relationship. The metaphorical elevator is a useless place to pitch yourself or your idea – no one buys from someone on an elevator. But …

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Thriving in the Customer-Driven Market

Today’s market is more customer-driven than ever before. Everyone and everything is connected, everywhere and all the time.  Companies who compile “big data” believe that it this gives them an advantage, but in reality, today’s high connectivity makes data access available to many. Often, much of the available data is inward-looking, generated by the operations of the business, rather than outward-looking which reflects customer or market insights. Your business lives with your customers. It always has, from its …

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How Values Drive Strategy

The planning season is upon us. Visions and missions are being reconsidered. New goals and objectives are being determined. Strategies and action plans are being developed to achieve those goals. When the planning turns to strategy execution, in addition to determining action steps, success metrics and the allocation of resources, it can be beneficial to consider the company’s commitment to executing a given strategy. Changing circumstances ensure that few strategies survive without adaptation and perseverance. …

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The Thing About Promises

Businesses sometimes refrain from using the word “promise.” It’s risky to promise an outcome that might fail to be delivered due to some unforeseen variable. So if no promise is explicitly made, then the risk of failure is reduced.  But in a world where customers have many options available to them, “promising” a result can be a differentiator. A promise is a commitment, that when fulfilled, creates value for the customer, reinforcing trust and building loyalty. Without risking …

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Why Leaders Are Trusted

Without trust you cannot lead. Trust is the basis of every relationship.  Trust is the foundation of your credibility, empowering your ability to get things done.Trust bonds your team together to share commitment and accountability.Trust motivates your people to challenge the status quo, pursue innovation and improve performance.  Your success as a leader depends on the willingness of your people to trust you. There are numerous questions they may ask to help make and sustain this decision:  Can I trust …

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Inspiring Energy

I recently met John O’Leary via one of his podcasts. With so many discouraging, angry and negative messages being relentlessly thrust upon us, it was refreshing to listen to John’s message.  John lived through a moment in hell. At age nine, a fire exploded in his garage and burned 100% of his my body. His probability of survival was 1%.  After 5 months in the hospital, and dozens of surgeries that cost him all of his fingers and much …

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Inspiring Energy

We celebrated Labor Day this week, a day dedicated to the contributions that working people make to our country’s progress and supporting us all. It’s a remembrance that we appreciate more this year because the Covid disruption has created a stark contrast. We honor those who have defied the risk and worked, often tirelessly, to keep products flowing and shelves stocked, to care for us, to teach us and to protect us; likewise, we remember and respect …

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The Value of Discovery

Discovery is the most essential piece of the selling process.  In a market that cultivates commoditization, where needed information is readily available and simplistic assessments are used to hastily define you, price is the priority over value creation. Prospective customers are predisposed to perceive your offering as just another commodity, so to hurry the transaction, they prefer to keep dialogue with you to a minimum.  An effective discovery process challenges this paradigm. Asking the right questions, in the right …

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Is This Meeting Necessary?

Time is the only irreplaceable asset, so deciding how much of your valuable time to invest in meetings is vital.  Meetings seem to consume more and more time.What makes a meeting productive? What makes it necessary for you to attend? The stated purpose for a meeting can be to inform, or to educate, or to motivate. But what makes any meeting productive is the dialogue it generates, the dialogue required to motivate action and make progress. One-sided pronouncements don’t …

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