Commitment is More than Consensus

Achieving strategic goals requires a team commitment. Commitment is more than consensus. Pursuing consensus, or shared agreement, can be alluring because it’s more expedient than the hard work of securing commitment on a goal or critical business issue. It avoids confrontation to preserveharmony, enabling team members to surrender to the majority opinion rather than exposing themselves to the risk of expressing their views. Without the whole team engaging in the healthy, essential discussions about conflicting …

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Customers Value Options

When your customer comes to believe that you understand their business, and care about its success, then you’re on your way to building an enduring relationship.  Their belief is grounded in your proven delivery of solutions that create value for them, solutions that resolve a short-term need while contributing to the achievement of their longer-term goals. Thisenables your solutions to become investments in their future rather than one-time transactions.  Ensuring that your solutions create value rests on your ability to …

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Agile Leadership

As technology continues its rapid, incessant evolution, complexity and unpredictability grow in the marketplace, causing your customers to constantly assess and react to shifting market trends. Your ability to remain a valuable partner to them depends on how accurately and consistently you anticipate their changing needs, and then, how quickly, efficiently and profitably you adapt to them.Anticipating change, challenge or opportunity, and then responding with urgency and certainty when they appear, is what defines agility. …

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Rebuilding Culture

Leaders own culture. As organizations continue to emerge from a disorienting, multi-year disruption, many leaders are discovering that their company culture has eroded, and they need to rebuild it.   Pre-covid work communities are fractured, challenging you to define new working norms and expectations that enable team trust and collaboration to grow in accordance with core values. Teams need some in-person time together, and with you, to share stories and ideas, exchange perspectives and rekindle relationships. A distinctive energy …

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Innovate or Stagnate

A leader’s pursuit of improvement relies on fostering initiative and innovation. Without them, progress and profitable agility are not possible. It’s either innovate or stagnate.   Innovation doesn’t require you to understand the future; it requires that you understand your customers’ evolving needs and goals, and how your business must operate to fulfill them better than anyone.  These steps nurture initiative and innovation:  1.      Communicate that innovation is a “must-have.” Allocate time for individuals to spend on innovation. Encourage them to challenge widely-held assumptions and discount those that inhibit curiosity and creativity; listen to each …

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3 Vital Tasks for Welcoming a New Leader

The start of a new year may find you welcoming a new leader to your team. Key to your onboarding effort is emphasizing the need to build relationships that are essential for the leader’s success.  Guiding your new leader to accomplish these 3 tasks will support that objective, and help establish the leader’s effectiveness and credibility:  1. Align current circumstances with expectations. New leaders must quickly gain clarity about the path ahead and your expectations for them. As …

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Accelerating Progress

It won’t be long before excessively busy schedules, endless meetings and heavy workloads again become the norm. Before that happens, there’s an opportunity to assess your, and your business’, journey from “what is” to “what can be.” It’s an exercise that can help accelerate your progress in 2022.  Like most leaders, the professional portion of this evaluation often touches on your three primary functions: Your management role – the responsibility for guiding your people to achieve goals …

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With the year-end approaching, it’s a good time to assess your progress – personally and professionally.  Amidst continued uncertainty, it’s constructive to hit pause and reconnect with guiding values and beliefs, to count blessings, to reflect on what’s been achieved, and to appreciate those accomplishments which make you most proud.  Months or years from now, there will be new experiences and new skills, new friends, family and customers, new successes and challenges, new titles or …

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Who Leaders Need

While seeking to improve results, leaders are perpetually balancing the preservation of the status quo with the need for innovation and improvement.   Keep what’s working, with its efficiency, reduced risk and expected result, or challenge the organization to consider the possibilities of doing something better, pursuing productive change in which the outcome is uncertain.  Because the leader relies on others to help determine the right balance in this exercise, and to drive change when that is what’s required, hiring the right people …

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How Customer Service Inhibits or Drives Growth?

Providing satisfactory customer service is a greater challenge now than it has ever been. At a time when isolation has elevated the need for service, finding enough of the right people, and enabling them to promptly and personally answer inquiries or resolve problems, can be a daunting task.   For leaders, this reality offers an opportunity to reconsider the role that customer service plays in their operations. Does it inhibit or drive their growth?  Some see customer …

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