Re-Purposing the Distributor Relationship

Manufacturers typically partner with distributors to increase sales by expanding market coverage. Distributors benefit from the relationship by utilizing an additional product line to increase sales through market share growth. As a result, the working relationship between manufacturer and distributor can often become defined by sales quotas. This model works well as long as demand and market share continue to increase; the level of trust and commitment in the relationship remains acceptable as both parties …

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Dysfunctional Teams Are Toxic

Teams typically commence their activities with the best intentions in mind. But over time, dysfunction can creep into the group, destroying its productivity and wasting precious time. These teams are toxic to themselves and the organization. What triggers this deterioration and how can the decline be stopped? Dysfunction is always triggered by a team member’s behavior. Someone on the team behaves in a manner that is inconsistent with the other team members’ expectations about how …

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Managing the Concession Request

One of the more challenging customer conversations every salesperson faces is the negotiation discussion. It’s almost inevitable that the climax of this dialogue will be the customer’s request for a concession. What’s the most effective way to manage this conversation to ensure that both parties win?  The first step in a successful customer negotiation is planning. What factors favor you vs. which favor the customer? What additional information is needed from the customer to better …

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Can They “Visualize” The Goal?

Leaders communicate purpose, vision and goals. But no action or change can begin until your people engage to move in the direction you’ve specified. As the constant companion of change, fear of the unknown must be overcome. Paralysis persists as the assessment of what could be gained or lost continues. If your team cannot visualize the goal, if they can’t see how the future will emerge, then you must help them push through the fear …

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New Prospects May Hear Less Than 10% of Your Message

Successfully connecting with a new prospect takes more than a compelling message. Your verbal communication with that prospect accounts for less than 10% of your total communication process. We are feeling beings who have learned how to think – we’re not born as thinkers who feel. The genesis of what we feel is a set of neurological impulses created through interactions with our five senses. These impulses are our only inputs and we react to …

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Leadership Lessons from St. Patrick

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Lost in the midst of parades, green beer, and Irish music, there is a story of a remarkable leader. That millions of people still celebrate a holiday honoring Patrick, 1500 years after his death, attests to his success as a leader.  How does his legacy have anything to do with business leadership today? Leaders are not born into this world; some may arrive with stronger leadership traits or qualities than others, …

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Incenting a Prospect to Act

When a new prospect asks you to describe your product or service, how do you respond? How do you get the conversation started so that the prospect is incented to ask how you do what you do? Rather than describing your products or services in response to a prospect’s inquiry regarding what you do, ask if the prospect is experiencing a typical problem that is resolved by your offering. Then, explain how your solutions solve …

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What’s The Foundation of Leadership?

Is it authenticity? Is it integrity? Is it vision? How about competency? Or, perhaps it’s inspiration? Why does it matter? From numerous studies, conducted over thirty-plus years, we know that this list of qualities – authenticity, integrity, etc. – defines what people want from their leaders. Believing that their leaders will act in accordance with these values is another matter. When assessing believability, leaders who more consistently demonstrate these values are judged to be more …

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3 Decisive Customer Moments

There are 3 decisive moments when your opportunity to build trust with a customer is peaked.  These moments influence how a customer feels about you, and ultimately impact the depth of your relationship with the customer. We are designed to be “feeling beings” who think, not “thinkers” who feel.  As a result, most of us realize that decisions are typically made on the basis of how they make us feel, and then they are justified …

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What Inspires Change

Why do people walk or ride for miles to raise money for a worthy cause? Why do they volunteer to help others rebuild after a disaster? Why do some invest hours in support of a political campaign? For a change initiative to succeed, what is the first step? What inspires change? The common answer to all of the first three questions is that these people believe in that cause, that purpose. They want their efforts …

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