Take It To The Street

“Take It To The Street” For Better Results Russ tells me that he would like to solicit feedback from his direct sales team regarding a new strategy, but he prefers to keep them focused on hitting their quotas. In another organization, Brad believes that the independent reps and distributors who report to him just want to sell.  But even if they wanted to offer suggestions, there is no established forum available for them to do …

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Pursuing Productive Preference

There are only three ways to increase sales, but one method is the most productive.  You can grow by adding customers, and must do so. But adding each new customer costs about 5 times what it takes to preserve a relationship and requires a significant investment of valuable time as well.You can increase your prices, and must strategically do so to sustain profitability. But seeking growth by generically increasing unit prices is challenging in our …

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Engage To Generate Ideas and Results

Engage to Generate Ideas and Results In today’s economy, a technical advantage can evaporate quickly. The rapid evolution of technology (think mobile devices!) ensures that any “exclusivity period” for new offerings is fleeting.Remaining valuable to customers challenges us to keep renewing our business, finding new ways to produce quantifiable benefits. Entrusting the responsibility for generating new ideas to ownership or senior management alone wastes an opportunity to get “all hands on deck.” Your personnel speak …

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Customer Centric Synchronization

In customer-centric organizations, the entire enterprise is synchronized to deliver promised value. Sustaining preference with your customers over time requires commitment: to remain engaged and aware of their vision, goals and strategies; and to consistently produce the strategic value you promised. You can’t generate value for customers unless you thoroughly understand their business – what differentiates them, how they make money. Since every business changes over time, it is essential that customer relationships be sustained on …

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3 Decisive Moments That Drive Sales Success

There are three decisive moments in the selling process that drive your sales success. Acting with focus and urgency during these key moments will earn you the customer’s business, and his or her enduring preference. 1. Your “First Contact” Moment: Be customer-centric. Focus on learning their story, needs and goals. Prospects become customers once they confirm how you will perform for them, will support them, and will exceed their expectations by fulfilling their needs, helping …

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What Behavior Do You Require?

Why They Don’t Know What You Expect   Glenn had just finished describing his year-end performance review process and how each person had reacted. He paused and said:  “I’m so frustrated! After all these years of working together, many of the people who met with me still don’t understand what I expect from them.” Performance review discussions are more than grading exercises – they are unique opportunities to have substantive, one-on-one dialogue with each person who …

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What Defines Success For Your Customers

Defining Success    “Customers pay only for what is of use to them and gives them value.” Peter Drucker – Management Expert“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar – Business Performance Expert “The customer defines what product or service is fit for use.” J.M. Juran – Quality Expert “Understand what’s important to customers.” Andy Fromm – President, Service Management Group   “Delivering a …

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Do Your Customers Prefer You?

Defeating Commoditization Tom was concerned that his business was becoming increasingly commoditized. More and more often, his customers were specifying what they wanted, as if they were reading from a product bulletin. Tom’s sales team was generating quotes in response to these requests. There was little dialogue with the customer beyond responding with price and delivery, or reacting to some competitor’s quote. I asked Tom: “What makes your business unique…what offering do you own?  Why …

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There are only 3 Ways To Increase Sales– Customer Partnering Overview Your business must grow…or die! Sustained Profitability Newsletter   Discover the benefits of customer-partnering with your customers and within your company Collaborate or Be Commoditized GrowthPointe Newsletter   Customers care only about the value we can produce for their business. No-excuses growth partners can help you grow

Correct Your Fuzzy Focus

Carve Out Time to Concentrate on Performance The forces of distraction keep growing stronger and each is competing for your attention.  Do you find it increasingly difficult to pull away and focus on the needs of your business? Phone calls, emails, text messages and browsing for the answer you must have right now keeps you rooted in the here and now.  Our technology makes it easy to react to these forces, so our ability to …

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