Leveraging Lessons Learned

I was once presented with a business turnaround opportunity. The company was in trouble, the President was fired, and the Board asked me take the lead in reigniting the business. They gave me 6 months to change the trend or they would shut it down.  Having never led a turnaround, my confidence was shaken and I was filled with anxiety, doubt and fear of the future. These uncertain times remind me of what I felt back then.  My leadership style has always tended to focus more on the …

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Essential Discussions

The world of work will continue to evolve in the months ahead. As you evaluate how best to shift your business from protection mode back to proactive mode, there will be an abundance of opinion within the organization about the most effective way forward.  Dialogue, often emotional, about the pros and cons of alternatives, and their projected impact on results, will increase. Many of these discussions will be critical, risky, political deliberations that result in decisions …

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Leading with Attitude

A leader’s attitude is always on display; but during a crisis, people pay closer attention.  While no one can control the virus attacking us, every employee is watching to discover how their leader is reacting to the challenge. Effective leaders focus on what they can control, and that includes their attitude. It’s a choice they make every day. Acting with a positive mindset provides a model for their personnel, a direction to follow.  Life does not arbitrarily impose itself on us. Rather, we choose …

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The way we do business will be different going forward. With most of us now connecting virtually, what should we expect once the proximity restrictions are removed? What are our expectations about rejoining our organization’s physical community?  In the 1980’s, author John Naisbitt (“Megatrends”) introduced the concept of “High Tech – High Touch.” Its premise is that the more dependent we become on technology, the greater will be our need to gather, to experience human touch. …

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The Antidote to Uncertainty

Today’s tech driven world tends to increase our sense of predictability. We expect the instant gratification of enjoying our personal Starbuck’s coffee locally, or anywhere in the world. We expect Amazon to deliver our purchase the next day. We expect our daily routine to continue as usual.  But when a crisis arises, uncertainty becomes the rule, undermining the predictable outcome and resetting our appreciation of what is valuable.  Some businesses live with uncertainty every day. If you’re in …

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Regaining Control

Much has changed in just the past ten days. And we’re reminded, as we were after 9-11, that despite all our efforts to exercise control over our lives, unplanned circumstances can quickly disrupt our routine and sense of control.  We’re in for a rough ride for a short while ahead, but we will adapt, as we always have, and find a way forward. This chaos will end, but another shock awaits in the future, so use this …

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Less Data…More Story

Leaders and change are inseparable. Whether reacting to a threatening external challenge or proactively disrupting the status quo to improve performance, leaders realize that people do not readily embrace change; initially, there will be uncertainty, disruption, fear and discomfort among those you lead when change is on the table.  But leaders also recognize these emotions as necessary ingredients in a change initiative. When paired with a clear, thorough understanding of projected benefits, they can be leveraged to focus energy, to encourage …

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Leadership is often the difference between success and failure.  The most productive leaders appreciate that their prime directive is to improve results, requiring that they nurture a team culture which challenges the status quo, and shares the commitment and accountability for embracing change.  Recognizing their responsibility to develop those they lead, and knowing from experience that the most beneficial learning is accomplished by doing, these leaders promote change initiatives as learning experiences that open opportunities.  They counsel that natural …

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Accelerating Team Commitment

To build a culture of shared accountability, a team must be capable of constructively debating conflicting perspectives about an issue that requires action. There can be no team commitment to a decision without resolving these differences. Mastering this conflict management process is a vital leadership skill.  Productive conflict dialogue identifies gaps in team members’ positions on the target topic based on their individual experiences and expectations. The skillful use of questions and related discussion are used to explore …

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The Work of Leaders

Creating value is the work of leaders.  It’s a perpetual challenge, involving the preservation of key customer relationships, the constant quest for innovations, and the relentless pursuit of quality, productivity and sustainability, all simultaneously occurring in accordance with the company’s culture.  Preserving proactive, strategic customer relationships yields insights about evolving aspirations, goals and needs, which enable adaptations to ensure that these valuable relationships endure.  Observing and assessing trends from industry or market engagements encourages the curiosity and anticipation …

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